Welcome to Senior Health Insurance
Cost Health Insurance Low Senior
Fort Wayne Community Net: Health & Living: Family Health
Spaci HoosierRx: Indiana's Prescription Drug Program for low-income seniors. Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) is a statewide valuable free ...
www.ft-wayne.in.us/health_living/family_health.html - 26k -
GiftLegacy Savvy Senior
Spaci Dear Savvy Senior, Can you write a column on low-cost health care options for uninsured and under-insured people? With so many Americans without insurance ...
The Number Of Uninsured Americans Continued To Rise In 2004, 8/30/05
Spaci Growth in the cost of job-based health insurance premiums continued in 2004, ... for about 75000 low-income senior citizens and people with disabilities. ...
www.cbpp.org/8-30-05health.htm - 34k -
Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) Program - New ...
Spaci EPIC is a New York State sponsored prescription plan for senior citizens who ... EPIC is a cost sharing program. Seniors with moderate incomes pay a low ...
www.health.state.ny.us/health_care/epic/ - 13k -
Low cost health care resources can be helpful
Spaci Savvy Tips: For additional help finding affordable health insurance or low-cost health care in your area visit www.ahirc.org and www.cover ...
www.news-reporter.com/news/2006/0817/News/063.html - 17k -
The Urban Institute | Low-Income Working Families
Spaci Many low-income working families receive little help from the complex work support system. Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program ...
www.urban.org/toolkit/issues/workingfamilies.cfm - 35k -
The Urban Institute | Issues in Focus | Health Insurance Trends
Spaci Public Health Insurance Covers Nearly Half of All Low-Income Children. ... Linda J. Blumberg, senior research associate, an expert in health care fiscal ...
www.urban.org/toolkit/issues/healthinsurance.cfm - 36k -
Cost Health Insurance Low Senior News